Thursday, 15 December 2016

Follow-up to our final class

In our final class, we started off by continuing our discussion of the future of the page from last week. The slides for the class are in the usual place on Blackboard, and you can also view below the presentation about pages of Shakespeare editions that I gave at the Yale Renaissance Colloquium last year:

The purpose of looking at that visual timeline of Shakespeare editions, however, was to arrive at what I would argue is one of the most interesting experiments in print-based reading interfaces ever designed. That's Teena Rochfort Smith's Four-Text Hamlet, published as a prototype in 1883 but never completed. For the full story and detailed images of her work, see my blog post that makes the case for Teena Rochfort Smith as the Ada Lovelace of the digital humanities.

Finally, I hope you'll consider submitting a proposal to the iSchool graduate students conference for 2017, which is on the theme of "Canada Now: Disrupting the Past, Activating the Future." You can find its call for proposals at, and the deadline is January 15th. I'm happy to speak in the New Year with any Future of the Book students who are thinking of submitting a proposal based on their work in the course. In any case, I hope you'll plan to attend on March 10-11!

Sarah and I will be in touch via BB about assignments and grades. Thanks, everyone, for a great class and many illuminating discussions, and I hope you all have a wonderful holiday with lots of time to read whatever you've been saving for the end of term!

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

follow up to our class on the future of the page

Lots of items to include in this week's follow-up post, in addition to the lecture slides now posted in the usual place on BB. To begin with, I've added links to two recommended readings, one being a chapter from Andrew Piper's book Book Was There, and the other being Peter Stoicheff and Andrew Taylor's introduction to their collection The Future of the Page.


The second of these readings contains some useful references to the concept of ordinatio in medieval books, which we discussed in class. If you are interested in learning more about this concept and the world of medieval scribes as some of the world's earliest information designers, I recommend two projects by Erik Kwakkel: his blog, and a richly illustrated introduction to medieval manuscripts called Quill: Books Before Print. I'm part of a project that's similar to this but broader in scope, called Architectures of the Book. Some of Monday's lecture was drawn from an entry I wrote for ArchBook on the subject of the opening.

Closer to the present, we also looked briefly at the field of typography and the concept of bibliographic codes as read through Dave Addey's excellent blog post on the typography of the film Alien. Although he's writing about films, not books, his mode of analysis and attention to detail are good models for the study of all kind of media, including books (digital and otherwise). I also recommend this post as a great example of the genre of the blog post, especially one that blends form and content to great effect.

We also spent some time at the end of class with the Spritz speed-reading interface. As a class we did pretty well keeping up with the flashing words, even at 700 wpm, but feel free to try it out on your own screen, which is closer to the interface's natural habitat. The Spritz website is also worth exploring, especially the section titled "The Science," which is where the image below comes from. (Just remember that science without citations is usually just advertising...)

 The Spritz interface generated some interesting discussion about reading last year, when it first started making news. I recommend checking out Lifehacker's post on "The truth about speed reading," and Charlie Jane Anders's excellent io9 post on the question "Does anyone read books the right way any more?".

And if all this speed reading has you wanting to slow things down to a livable pace, I recommend spending some time in the Inforum's new mindfulness corner. There you'll find copies of David Levy's book Mindful Tech, which includes a discussion of calligraphic writing as a meditative exercise -- which closes the circle that began with medieval pages. 

Happy reading and writing (fast, slow, or otherwise)!

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Blogging question #6: messages from (or for) the future

Our final blogging question is deceptively simple: if you could go back in time to whatever year you choose (by whatever means you choose; don't worry about the practical aspects), and if you could tell people in that era one really important thing to understand about the future of books and reading (without, let's assume, needing to worry about polluting the timeline), what would you tell them -- and why?

Or, as a twist, if you could send a message into the future about books and reading in the present, what would it be, and why?

When we grade this final blog post, we'll take into account the fact that integrating secondary sources will be more difficult with this one. We won't be expecting it, but if you can connect what you have to say to the past or future to a scholarly discussion of some kind, we'll count that as a bonus.

Although this will be our final assigned blog question for the course, though you're welcome to keep on using your group blogs however you like -- they are, after all, your blogs. My hope is that this final question will also help set up our final time-travel-themed class on Books of Futures Past.

Follow-up to our week 10 class

A few threads to collect from our class in this follow-up post, in addition to the lecture slides now posted on BB. We began by considering audiobooks in relation to a recording of a Martin Luther King sermon as an aural text, and one related in turn to a controversy over inscription and erasure on the MLK memorial in Washington, DC. If you're interested in the example, it's worth checking out what the National Park Service's official website for the memorial says -- and doesn't say -- about the controversial inscription "I was a drum major for justice, peace and righteousness." For more on King's sermon "The Drum Major Instinct," including a downloadable mp3 recording and historical background, see Stanford's King Institute's page for the sermon: The section we listened to in class begins around 37 minutes into the recording.

We spent a bit of time on the topic of writing, and looked briefly at some research writing tips that I've also covered in my Research Methods class. You can view the slides for that class here:

I've also updated the reading lists with a few items that I've referenced in recent lectures. Nelson Goodman's chapter from Languages of Art which gives us the terms autographic versus allographic to describe different kinds of art forms is now included among the recommended readings for week 10. I've also added two items to the recommended readings for our class on sound and image in week 9. One is Matthew Kirschenbaum's article "Towards a Grammatology of the Hard Drive" (which is also a chapter in his book Mechanisms), and another is a collection of articles edited by Matthew Rubery called Audiobooks, Literature, and Sound Studies.

I should have our final blogging question of the year posted shortly. Stay tuned!